Saturday, 10 October 2009

Just one more thing

Reflecting on the gospel this week (Mark 10: 17-31), I was intrigued by that "one more thing" of which Jesus speaks and pondered on what it might be. Here is just one suggestion:

To enter the kingdom requires...
loving that neighbour who has outgrown the church
spending time with folk just because they are our neighbours
no hidden agendas
perhaps no agenda at all
except an encounter filled with unconditional love
In between the meetings
of boards and committees
and coffee fueled talk shops
meeting God's children
right where they are.
Visiting the sick, the dying,
the bereaved and the lonely
the folk who make us feel good
the folk who cut us down to size
carrying the love of God as an offering.
And if it seems like an endless round
of demands and expectations
from ourselves and others
weighing heavily on our shoulders
perhaps it's that one more thing
that will make all the difference to us.
Carving out the space
to experience God's love for ourselves
finding that corner in which to chill out
and allow ourselves to be smothered
by the breath of God
breathing deep into our souls
oozing out through our pores
so that, once again we are sure of our ground
and able once more to share
without counting the cost.
But that one more thing
makes all the difference
to everything else.
And let me tell you
for a giver
taking that time
grasping that love for ourselves
is almost as hard
as a camel going through the eye of a needle

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